Thursday 10 December 2015

Prop Preparation.

Gun: This will be used by Tyler when he attempts to kill the protagonists. This will be sourced from home. It is important that the prop gun resembles a semi-automatic as it would be far fetched if Tyler missed the target with an automatic.

Rope: This will be used to tie up Matthew to the chair otherwise without the rope, it wouldn't give the impression of an interrogation happening/has happened. This will also be sourced from home.

Chair: This will be sourced from the college. This is what Matthew will be tied to.

Costume: The costumes of the protagonists should be casual. The costume of the antagonist should be dark clothing which will be sourced by the actor of the antagonist themselves. The dark clothing will create a sense of evil in him.


  1. Harry - this is ok as a brief description of props, but it needs more as a blog post to meet the high standards expected by the exam board on blogging. So you need images at least here to illustrate either the actual props or very similar. Do more to explain and justify choices too.

  2. Make sure you are blogging about the editing process. You should also have images of filming? If not, make sure you show what you have done in editing, and illustrate your use of the continuity techniques.
