Thursday 10 December 2015

Story Board

Shot 1: Tracking shot lasting 3 seconds, LS, Eye-Level, follows Zach along the corridor.
Shot 2: Still shot lasting 2 seconds, LS, Eye-level, shows Zach's head movement as he turns.
Shot 3: Hand held shot lasting 5 seconds, MLS, Eye-level, Match on action as Zach turns his head.
Shot 4: Pan of Zach as he walks through the door, lasting 3 seconds, LS, High Angle.
Shot 5: Clearly handheld pan, as if POV of Zach from Tyler's perspective, lasting 7 seconds, ELS, very high angle.
Shot 6: Still shot lasting 1 second as Zach opens curtain, MS, Eye-level.
Shot 7: Tracking shot of Zach's hand lasting 1 second, jump cut with match on action, CU, Eye-level.
Shot 8: Still shot showing Mathew tied to the chair, lasting 2 seconds, MS, Eye-level.
Shot 9: Still shot lasting 3 seconds, dialogue, 2 shot, LS, Eye-level.
Shot 10: Still shot lasting 3 seconds, dialogue, over the shoulder shot, MCU, Eye-level, shot to be followed by reverse shot.
Shot 11: Still shot lasting 2 seconds, dialogue, over the shoulder shot, MC, Eye-level.
Shot 12: Still shot lasting 3 seconds, dialogue, over the shoulder shot, MC, Eye-level.
Shot 13: Still shot lasting 3 seconds, dialogue, over the shoulder of rope being removed off of Mathew, MC, Eye-level.
Shot 14: Handheld shot lasting 3 seconds, dialogue, over the shoulder of Mathew pointing towards Tyler, MC, High angle.
Shot 15: Handheld shot lasting 1 second, CU, High angle.
Shot 16: Still shot lasting 3 seconds, ELS, Low angle.
Shot 17: Still shot lasting 4 seconds, CU, Eye-level.
Shot 18: Still shot lasting 4 seconds, LS, Low angle.
Shot 19: Handheld shot lasting 3 seconds, MS, Eye-level.
Shot 20: Still shot lasting 5 seconds, LS, Eye-level.

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