Thursday 28 January 2016

Continuity Editing

In our opening sequence, we are using continuity editing to create a more well constructed and visually pleasing film.

In the first scene, when we see the girl in the car talking on the phone to her boyfriend, we will keep to the 180 degree rule despite the characters being in different locations. This creates less confusion and clearly demonstrates who she is talking to, as they are facing opposite directions due to the camera being placed on opposite sides of both characters. This then creates a sense of an eye line match between the characters, as they seem to be facing each other, even though they are in entirely different places. Eye line match helps the spectator to get an immediate understanding of who the argument is between.

As the girl enters the house, match on action is used when she opens the door. This cut during the action of opening the door helps to add continuity as we transition to a shot from a further distance to get a wider view of the setting, thus showing the spectator the setting and decor of her home.

When we cut from the setting of the hot tub to the dark setting where the boyfriend gets out a poisonous tablet, we will have a graphic match. Going from a shot of the circular hot tub light to the circular tub he takes the tablet from. This creates a link between the hot tub and the tablets, which subtly foreshadows what is soon to happen to the girl.

1 comment:

  1. These are excellent ideas and justifications! Your explanation of the 180 degree rule use here and the idea of the graphic match show ambition and excellent understanding of techniques. Well done!
