Thursday 28 January 2016

Prop Management

This is a list of props we are using in our main thriller opening task with reasons to why we are using them.

The film starts with a person driving the car to there house but we only find this out later. The type of car doesn't matter as long as it looks in place e.g. not a 1920s car in the modern era the film is being set.

There are two phones that are in the plot of the film; a conversation between two characters on phone is filmed therefore it is important that they both have modern phones otherwise it will look very silly.

Lethal Tablet
A lethal tablet will be secretly placed into the hot tub which kills the character inside the hot tub. The tablet is shown in multiple brief, close-up shots.  

1 comment:

  1. This post needs images and varied format. As a temporary measure, you can use google similar images, but you should be getting images of the actual props now that you are so close to filming.
