Thursday 28 January 2016

'GONE' Sound Research

Sound effects:

Throughout the opening of 'GONE' we are going to present many sound effects/background music to create high crescendos and parallel sound. 

Parallel Sound:

-Motorway sound effect: We will record this separately and add it to the shot, emphasising the chaos on the road. This helps build intensity from the equilbrium. 

-Car Horn: We will use a car horn sound effect when Addie skids on the road after seeing the 'caution ice' sign. This then causes other drivers on the road to swirve resulting in beeping their horn. Addies facial expression will then connote distress at this point, allowing spectators to become more involved and begin to feel the shock that she experienced in the car. 

-The final ariel shot of the hot tub, observing Addie being poisoned and gradually dying creating panic noises and screeching sounds. As it is an ariel shot we will do a foley sound by recording our character Addie before hand screaming and screeching and then overlap it onto the shot, with sound effects of bubbles which will record from the hot tub to create that panic and suspenseful moment in the sequence. 

Background Music:

-Throughout our opening sequence we have a higher quantity of sound effects and dialogue than background music. However, there is a reason for this as we want the main focus on the alarming sound effects which will engaged the spectators even more. We will include background music during the scene of 'unknown character' (restricted narration) undoing the poison tub of tablets. This will help contrast the two different atmospheres and moods of the shots. For example: we will go from a shot of Addie relaxing in the hot tub with some wine to the more sinister and deep shot of the 'unknown character' beginning to prepare for poisining Addie. 


-We will have our main crescendos rise in volume when Addie swirves and skids on the ice to intensify the action creating parallel sound. 

-As the 'unknown character' places the poison into the hot tub, the sound effects of bubbles, screams and high level background music will crescendo, allowing spectators to recognise the most important act during the whole film. This final shot creates enigma by using restricted narration not showing who killed Addie. The level of volume and crescendo of music helps emphasise the enigma also. 

1 comment:

  1. Good, careful planning here. Well done! You appear to have met the deadline too, so congratulations to you all!
