Wednesday 27 January 2016

Costume, Hair/Make-Up, Body Lang/Facial Expressions

In our film we have two characters. These two characters are incredibly important and throughout the shoot we will use camera work, Mise en Scene, sound and editing to allow spectators to fully focus on these two characters.

Our 2 characters:

Addie: (Female played by Georgie Tofield)
Marcus: (Male played by Joe Comber)


Addie, aged 20 and employed as a secretary is smartly dressed driving on her way back from work. Her make-up is fair and you can see the tiredness in her eyes. We will create this with certain make-up, for example: use red eye-liner to create that sore eye affect. Her body language is bolt up right and tensed during the argument on the phone to Marcus. Her facial expression will show distress and emotionally unstable elements. Addie's general message from her character connotes worry and stress. 


We gave our male character the name 'Marcus' as we didn't want to name him in a threatening or predictable way. As the name is seen as a 'regular' name, it does not allow spectators to predict his actions. Marcus will be dressed head to toe in black, wearing a heavy black leather jacket, with gelled back hair and smoking a cigarette. However, to create the cigarette effect, out actor Joe will not actually smoke, we will create this effect through smoke. His name may not give the bad away in him, however, Mise en Scene, camera work, sound and editing will help spectators understand his character thoroughly. 

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