Friday 15 January 2016

Research Task- Alice Creed

Alice Creed

Mise en Scene
Spectator response

The opening to The Disappearance of Alice Creed is very deliberate in its pace and tone. This opening’s greatest strength is its lack of exposition.

(Establishing extreme long-shot)

This establishing extreme long-shot which allows spectators to recognise where the setting is. The washed and unsaturated colour contributes towards the convention of thriller films. This shot also has a high-key glow, suggesting it is set in the early hours of the morning. During the first shot, non-diegetic music is used to create an intense build up. The sound of drums are used at a slow pace, gradually building up to the next shot. A diegetic sound effect is used replicating an aeroplane flying over- giving away the location: at an airport.
(Medium close-up of the two male characters)

This medium close-up shows the spectators the two male characters identity straight away. Mise en Scene in this shot is very important, the entirety of the sequence has a greyish overlay which creates a mysterious nature to these two characters. Both of the two kidnappers are the only characters ever to appear in the opening. This makes sure that the spectators pay attention to the correct characters on screen. However, the way that these characters are merely wearer standard civilian clothing means that it is not immediately implied that these two men are actually the kidnappers. With this uncertainty in the mind of the view, you are now able to keep them engaged.

(Long-shot of a landfill setting)

This long-shot of the location gives us information where the two male characters are heading. This shot is of a landfill site full of rubbish. Diegetic sounds of diggers and machines also help spectators recognise this. The camera movement tracks slowly along the top of the hill generating a smooth movement allowing spectators to understand the location and setting. The non-diegetic music at this point is still at a slow pace gradually speeding up.

(Medium close-up of trolley wheel)

This shot is set in a super market which informs the spectators that the two male characters are 'on the move'. This then creates enigma as spectators would question what they are getting up to and are they going to commit a crime? This medium close-up of the trolley wheel helps intensify the scene by lowering the volume of the non-diegetic music and emphasising the diegetic sound of the wheel squeaking and rattling. This then creates a spine chilling response from spectators due to the eerie and creepy sound effect of the trolley wheel, this also helps contribute towards intensity and suspense.

(2 shot of male characters)

This 2 shot clearly shows us the two male characters snooping around for props in the super market. The low-angle of this shot creates a hierarchy, putting the two male characters in a dominant position. This clearly shows the two men are the antagonists. As spectators we would question why they are doing this. They are in the hardware and tools aisle in the super market. The non-diegetic music increases its volume gradually which is parallel towards the pace of cutting during this scene. This scene uses simple transitions: a cut to create a simple understanding rather than make it too complicated. They want you to focus on the body language and facial expressions of the two men instead of interesting transitions.

This shot is a match on action of the male character grabbing a hand saw prop. This is a traditional thriller prop. The non-diegetic music begins to emphasise the handling of dangerous props, suggesting they might use them. The shot of these dangerous props can lead to extreme speculation in the narrative creating enigma from the spectators. 

Here are a few shots showing the props that they collect in the store: The screen grab showing the sign 'sound proofing' creates suspicion from the spectators because this gives the impression that the two male characters are going to commit a crime or even so, murder or kidnapping. 




These three shots are showing inside an abandoned house. The first shot (1.) is a blocking shot and also shallow depth of field. This is creating restricted narration due to the part of the room being hidden. Therefore as a spectator you will not know what is behind the wall. This can leave you questioning why there are shots inside a run down house. Shot (2.) which is a long shot of the inside of a living room is also very run down with low-key lighting giving the affect that this house is extremely isolated, abandoned and neglected. Finally the third shot (3.) is a medium long-shot of a bedroom, with left head boards and lamps on the wall, indicating that the house hasn't been vacated for a while. All three shots allow spectators to see the setting in detail, creating a thrilling and  eerie atmosphere. 

This 2 shot tracking the two male characters entering the room intensifies the suspense as before this shot was a zoom towards the door before they walked in, emphasising there entrance. 



These two shots show the male characters in action, they are beginning to decorate the room in a strange and dark way. There is a match on action in shot (2.) showing them both in sync with gunning the carpet down onto the wall. This creates a sense of enigma because traditionally you would gun carpet down onto the floor, not the walls. This is showing they are sound proofing the walls. This then leads to another question, for example: are they partners in crime? The soundtrack of the scene is very parallel towards the action occurring. In shot (1.) they pull the curtains shut in a very in sync manner, this suggest they are very close and have an important friendship. This is also show in shot (3.) due to their body language, however, at this point we are still questioning what they are doing.


 (Extreme close-up of a hand saw sawing) 

This extreme close-up of the hand saw suggests they are turning the room into something, this shot is filmed hand held. The high frequency of cuts during this scene tells us they are rushing to get it done. The contributes towards building suspense through out this scene. The diegetic sound of the saw emphasises what they are cutting, for example: wood. However, we do not know what for. This whole scene creates a huge speculation for the spectators. 

(High angle, long-shot of the two male characters)

This high-angle, long-shot gives us the information that they have finished doing the decorating that they needed to do. Spectators can observe that they have completed the room and completely blacked it out, therefore the room has extreme low-key, black and brown lighting. The music begins to decrescendos and the frequency and pace of cuts slows down completely, suggesting it will cut to another scene. 

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