Thursday 28 January 2016

Lighting, Colour and Composition

Our opening is filmed at night time therefore it is important to use lighting otherwise the spectator will not know what is going on. In our film, we will use low-key lighting to add to the horror effect but to make it clear what is going on. It's important to make sure that the lighting looks natural and doesn't seem artificial. When using lighting it is important to make sure to set the white balance in every scene because if the white balance isn't set the colours will differentiate in each shot; breaking continuity.
The colouring is an important element to get right in our film. The colouring used will need to further emphasise a cold fearful feeling we are trying to get across to the audience. The colouring of the shots will have a tint of blue in them to create that cold dark environment; this will be done using editing programs such as Final Cut Pro as we are able to adjust the colours in each shot to make then match with the predecessor shot. It's important when using colours to make sure continuity isn't broken therefore will have to use realistic colours and make sure key continuity techniques are in place such as setting white balance.
Composition is where everything is placed in the shot. This is important to get right because it either reveals or hides information to the audience which is good in our film which has various examples of restricted narration and unrestricted narration. When restricting narration it's important the composition of the shot doesn't reveal too much otherwise it will spoil the suspense whereas when not restricting narration, it's important that everything is in shot clearly so the spectator knows what is going on. 

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